General IPS History Resources


1920’s Federation of Women’s Clubs help create a segregated IPS and Indianapolis

In an era of the suppression of authentic Black history

2021 Spirit & Place Festival issues: the 9 years of missing Indianapolis Recorder newspapers, Shortridge Principal. George Buck: An IPS bigot in action, Attucks and the Klan: Myth vs. fact?, and What was the Citizens School Committee: The IPS school board group no one ever heard of?

2021 Spirit & Place Festival:  Past the Klan: The roots of racism in IPS and beyond,  Synopsis with video: Now what IPS?

2022 Spirit & Place Festival: “Where’d you go to high school?”  Analyzing a century of the IPS caste system

Actions by 1922 Indianapolis political and education power structure to create a segregated and hierarchical public school system as described by Dr. Steele and Mr. Richardson, Jr.

Making a Mass Institution Indianapolis and the American High School, p. 19-20

2023 Spirit & Place Program Nourishing Democracy Healthy IPS School Board Elections

05.21.2015 Indianapolis Recorder Letter to Editor predicts factors contributing to the IPS caste system

Mr. Henry J. Richardson Jr.

09.21.1979 Letter by Henry J. Richardson, Jr. to Dr. Lehamn Adams on the racial politics of Unigov

02.10.2022 The Indianapolis Recorder newspaper supports initiatives to solve the mystery surrounding the 9 years of missing editions

02.09.2022 Indianapolis Recorder Letter of Support:  Beginning to solve the mystery of the 9 years of missing Recorder newspapers

Eunice Trotter: The 9 years (1917-1925) of missing Indianapolis Recorder newspapers

12/2021 NOW WHAT IPS? Brief of Nov. 10 Spirit & Place Festival Past the Klan: The Roots of Racism in IPS and Beyond

11.01.2021 Past the Klan: The Roots of Racism in IPS and Beyond PRESS RELEASE

10.19.2021 Past the Klan: The Roots of Racism in IPS and Beyond  Press Release

Zeitgeist of early 1920s

IPS and the mystery of the missing Indianapolis Recorder newspapers

Principal George Buck and Shortridge High School: The legacy of the IPS caste system

Myth vs. Fact: Crispus Attucks High School and the Ku Klux Klan

What was the Citizens School Committee, the most powerful, longest-lasting IPS school board group no one’s ever heard of?

05.31.2017 NUVO story, “Which IPS Doors Will Close?” Enabling the crooked history of IPS

Please realize the video on Attucks history shown during the IPS District Town Hall Meetings is misleading

1900-1920 Indianapolis at the time of the First Great Migration

Making a Mass Institution: Indianapolis and the American High School

Citizen Klansmen: The KKK in Indiana 1921-1928 Indianapolis Section pp 139-150

The real story about the KKK and IPS: The Klan’s involvement with public education was not about segregated schools

1921-1929 Events leading up to and through the creation of Attucks and Washington, and the relocation of Cathedral, Shortridge, and Butler College

Connecting the dots: The 1920’s Indianapolis establishment education decision-makers

1907 Indiana Eugenic Law

01.06.21 “Spite Fence” case: Dr. Lucian B. Meriwether vs. Capitol Avenue Protective Association

In an era of the suppression of authentic Black history

06.02.21 Indianapolis Star headline on May 31-June 1, 1921 Tulsa, OK race riots

06.02.21 First columns Indy Star story on 1921 Tulsa, OK race riots

06.02.21 Second columns Indy Star story on 1921 Tulsa, OK race riots

06.02.21 Third columns Indy Star story on 1921 Tulsa, OK race riots

06.02.21 Last column Indy Star story on 1921 Tulsa, OK race riots

06.12.21 Who supported Butler College’s move to Fairview Park?

07.26.21 Racist children’s activity “Drawing Lessons for Our Kiddies: A bottle of Ink turned into a pickaninny” Indianapolis Star

11.06.21 Civic leagues backed George Beaman’s ad for IPS school board

01.31.22-12.26.22 Indianapolis Public Schools board minutes

04.28.22 “The Negro Problem” Editorial Indianapolis Times

04.28.22 Separation of races in all manners urged

05.10.22 “Regulating Negro Cabarets” Editorial Indianapolis Times

05.29.22 Democrats should include Negro problem in platform

06.12.22 Minister declares real US citizen must be Protestant

06.12.22 Butler President Dr. Robert J. Aley validates “Anglo-Saxon supremacy everywhere” during commencement address

06.13.22 Indianapolis White Supremacy League speaks to IPS board urging segregated schools

07.05.22 The White Supremacy League founded in Indianapolis

09.19.22 George S. Buck: IPS Shortridge principal and proponent of segregated public schools in Indianapolis speaks to board

09.21.22 Klan wants law requiring every child to attend public schools at least 5 months a year. American Lutheran League says this would leave parochial schools empty

10.22.22 Butler’s Irvington students want to move to Fairview

11.16.22 Racist Cartoon “Roger Bean” Indianapolis Star

11.29.22 High school for colored opposed

12.04.1922 “Hustling 100” Englewood Christian Church (57 N. Rural) for segregated IPS and relocation of Butler College

12.04.1922 Butler That Is To Be Star editorial on the big picture plans for Indianapolis via the relocated Butler College at Fairview park

12.13.22 IPS creates separate high school for Negro students

12.27.22 Washington H. S. voted on; Shortridge H. S. discussed

1923 Distribution of Klan strength in Indianapolis

02.09.23 “Yea! Butler” KKK’s Fiery Cross newspaper praises Butler’s move to Fairview Park

02.20.23 “White Supremacy” Editorial Indianapolis Times

05.28.23 Warns racial melting pot as threat to 100% Americanism

12.10.23 Racist Cartoon “Roger Bean” Indianapolis Star

09.19.24 Capitol Avenue Protective Association protests proposed Capitol Avenue streetcar line route

01.04.26 Racist Cartoon “Roger Bean” Indianapolis Star

03.05.26 Catholics to open Cathedral HS: Religion expands as a factor in Indy’s Jim Crow education system

03.15.26 Indianapolis neighborhood Segregation Ordinance

05.16.27 Dr. W.E.B. DuBois to Butler President Aley: Number of Black 1927 graduates

05.16.27 Butler President Aley to Dr. W.E.B. DuBois: Number of Black 1927 graduates

07.23.27 Vandals bomb home: Negro family recently moved into house at 501 W. 29th St. p. 1 Indianapolis Recorder

07.23.27 Vandals bomb home: White People’s Protection League vows no Negroes north of 30th St. p. 3 Indianapolis Recorder

08.23.27 Lionel Artis YMCA letter to Butler President Aley on quota

08.25.27 Butler President Aley to Lionel Artis of YMCA on quota limiting new Black students to 10 per year

1927 Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority: Surviving the 1927 Butler College quota

1927 & 1928 Indiana’s 1920s Jim Crow high schools: Gary Roosevelt, Indianapolis Attucks, and Evansville Lincoln: What do they have in common?

11.02.29 Bios of 1929 IPS School Board candidates

1900-2016 List of IPS Board Membership

05.06.68 Pre-election ad for Non-Partisans for Better Schools running their slate for 1968 IPS board election

1979 Mr. Henry J. Richardson Jr.

1993 The Indianapolis Story School Segregation and Desegregation in a Northern city Dr. Thornbrough

2014  A theme of IPS oral histories:  Local business elites influence IPS since early 1920s

Superintendent Johnson: A discussion on the history of the racist roots of IPS 01.21.21