
Flier 2019 Rotterdam SPIOR Conference Crossing Oceans Beyond Us & Them

Global Readings Chart: What is a quality education for urban students? Education for liberation Education as the practice of freedom

How GERM (the Global Education Reform Movement) is infecting schools around the world

Perpetuating Disaffection: Schooling as an international problem

2018 SAICEd paper “What is a high quality education for South African students? An education for liberation: Education as the practice of freedom”

How to reduce the South African dropout rate B&LPI 2018 SAICEd Conference Keynote PowerPoint

Link to 2018 SAICEd Conference Black & Latino Policy Institute keynote PowerPoint presentation

School disaffection in “new times”: Hard-nosed policies, inflexible institutions, and bruised young people

One-dimensional [A-F] school rankings: A non-neutral device that not only conceals inequalities, but makes inequality seem normal

Re-engaging the Disengaged: Challenging the dominant policies and school culture that exclude and marginalize young people

Recolonizing an ethics of life: Re-positioning indigeneity in Australian “gap talk

Pushed Out and Shut Out: Addressing unjust geographies of schooling and work

“If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.” Compulsion, compression, control, and competition in secondary schooling

Reproducing Disaffection: Ignoring the obvious

School disaffection is global: Links to international-level research papers